domingo, 15 de abril de 2012

"Purple Haze"

Hii girls! This time we've chosen a purple-shaded  look which it's fantastic especially for blue-eyed girls. As we hadnt recorded for so long we wanted to show you something different. It really looks good on everybody, emphasizing blue eyed girls because they can contrast with their natural eye colour and make the eyes appear even bluer.

So here it is ... hope you'll like it and learn something new

-First of all , as usual, we apply the eye foundation to make the eyeshadows stay longer. You can use as a base a paint-pot as well which will give us more pigmentation

-Apply a light shade of eyeshadow(lilac in this case) to your eyelids and a darker shade(purple) to the outer third of the eyelid extending itslightly beyond the outer corners.

-The most intensive color to shape your eyes (Shadowy Lady from MAC is our fave)

-Draw the eyeliner with black eyeshadow  as close to lashes as possible but just until the middle lid. Then blend it up.

-Add some brightness on the inner corner and down the lower lashes and dont forget to use mascara

-Draw the water line (we did it with a kolh-smolder from MAC)

-Finally use powder blush starting from your apple of your cheek

-Lipgloss (MAC "wonderstruck")

martes, 7 de febrero de 2012

Zebra nails !!!!!!!

Huhu do you know what we are gonna talk about today?!?!? NAILS! Yes, we know ... so far we've only talked about makeup but this time we're gonna change just a little bit... I wanted to create something original, "difficult" something more unusual than the simply nail painting but at first I hadnt thought about that.. I mean I wasnt gonna do it because I did the french manicure at the beginning they were just like this...The next day I thought this is really boring I need to do something more creative, I tried it and I liked the result.

-I started the nail painting with applying a soft pink nail polish

- I did the french manicure but not with a white colour I used a silver one

-Then I just took a really fine nail brush and did some lines on the part that was painted              in silver tone

-It's not difficult for me...but if you are gonna do it you should have a lot of precision you just have to practise and you'll get it :))

sábado, 4 de febrero de 2012

What you'll need for natural eye makeup have you been?? We know we've been a little disappeared from here but we're back to keep on doing what we like the most and this post will be dedicated to one of my best friends...the one who let me create this fantastic natural eye makeup Mavela, so this one is for you :))

So let's start !
What you will need is two or three tones of eyeshadow but in this case I've chosen three tones of MAC eyeshadows: Brule, Cork and just a little bit of Brun for the outer corner of the eye

-To get a natural makeup look, you should keep your eye makeup application technique to a minimum

-First of all it's important to apply an eyeshadow foundation because it will make the eyeshadow stay longer.

-When the eye is prepared we will apply the first eyeshadow in a light shade, as i mention before by using the brule mac eyeshadow.

-This eyeshadow will be on the inner and middle lid because the other one, Cork, named before will be also applied but this one will be on the outer lid

-Take a blending blush. We recommend 217 MAC blending brush because it's just the perfect one . In my opinion it's the best brush for eyes I've ever seen...If somebody is doubting about what to buy in MAC I'll recommend 100% MAC 217 blending brush

-In addiction,it's the number one musthave for eyes because it will also help you to do what you are looking for.

-Well, let's going on...After blending cork eyeshadow we are going to put Just a little bit of brun on the blending blush used before and that'll be on the outer corner of the eye.

-Make sure the brun eyeshadow its well blended and you'll get the result!

- What it can be left is mascara, so don't forget to use it

That's what we got...a really natural eyemakeup...

If you wish to get even more intensity just use an eyeliner and draw the waterline but we preferred to let it like this :))

As I said before, this post is dedicated to my dear friend Mavela the one on the picture...hope you'll likeee girlsss!!!

martes, 13 de diciembre de 2011

Nice makeup for blue eyed girls

New tutorial video, this time it's better than the other one, the quality is much better and you can see what I'm doing. I've chosen a chanel palette to makeup the eyes, brushes are from mac... but the details will be explained then...Now I want you to watch our second tutorial video, hope you like it and please don't doubt to comment ;))

What have we used?

For eyes

-Eyeshadow foundation MAC

-Chanel palette, colours bright white, blue and bright grey-black

-Brule MAC (to light up)

Eye brushes







-Powder blush 27 Inglot

-Compact powder Chanel

Brush (MAC)



-Wonderstruck lipgloss MAC

Great day shopping!

Hi there! I know it's been so long since we published the last post...but we've been soo busy with exams, works...Fortunately they finished on Friday and....what happened on Saturday?!?!?!?! We WENT SHOPPING to Tenerife! Johi and me had been thinking about it for a month and it was about time to we planned everything to make it perfect, and it was...we flew at 8:30 and we didnt stop since we got there at 9:00am. When we landed we caught a bus to take us to the capital, then we finally arrived at the shopping center but the shops were closed! CLOSED?!?! Yes...but...that was why it was early hahaha so we went to have a breakfast and then they were already opened... guess what we did after...we went to the shops of course but...we didnt shop in that moment we just took a look at the stuff we really wanted to buy or what we liked the most because we first wanted to save money for  makeup. This was the main thing we flew there for ,so after taking a look we went to the other shopping center where there was a MAC stand and we spent almost all the money there...but we went there cuz we really wanted to spend it on them so it didnt hurt us to do it, I always say I'm delighted to spend all my money on makeup if I really like it I won't care about how much I can spend on is my passion and whenever I try to save some money then I'll use it to buy makeup.
Well as I was saying we went to MAC we bought some things which I will show you then and we went eating at McDonals (cuz there isnt any mcDonals in La Palma...) so we took the moment even if fast food is not the best one to take good care of yourself :)
After eating we had to spend the rest of money so we went to the same shopping center we went in the morning and I bought some shoes, headphones and a present for my sister. Later I still had some money so what did I do?!! I went back to MAC! hahaha yeeees it's true...and I bought something that I was fallen in love with .... so that's all...a very tiring day but really nice and funny.
If you wanna know what we bought there follow us and will tell you on other post :)) See you then! ;)

sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2011

Last Friday Night!

Hi there!
As you know, we are new here, we gotta improve what we are doing but we'll always try  to do it as well as we are able to. We've just started on make up tutorials, videos...all of that is new for us so we are getting used to it . We are going to give you our best !! :))
Now let's talk about make up (our favourite topic)...
Last Friday Night we started with "Fashion is our passion" and we decided to create this blog and record our first tutorial video.The quality was not good...We hadn't realised that as we were recording at night then it would be worst...but everybody learns from mistakes so we'll attempt to do it better the next time. Anyway we were happy :) It's our fist appearance on youtube!!!
On the video you can see how Clara makes up Johi. You'll see a makeup in shades of brown with also a bit of gold, with loads of mascara, pink face blush and a pink lipgloss.
It was recorded last friday night as the name shows.
We both hope you enjoy and learn with us as well :-)

What have we used?

- Eyeshadow foundation

- 239 M.A.C brush
- 217 M.A.C blending brush
- 224 M.A.C blending brush 2
- 219 M.A.C fine brush
- 168 M.A.C powder blush brush

  M.A.C eyeshadows used:
- Swiss chocolate
- Brule
-  Brun
- Cork
- Woodwiked

- Hoola-Benefit (powder foundation)

- Inglot-powder blush 32

- M.A.C lipgloss wonderstruck

miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2011

How it all began...

It was 21th of January 2010 and I remember that  it was not a normal day as usual...Our german teacher had told us that a new girl was gonna come to school the day before so we all were so excited to meet the "new" girl especially me...I was more excited than the other people cuz I like meeting everybody and I knew I was gonna get on with her... sooo the expected day came and when I first saw her I didnt know that she was the new girl...but then I realised and my friends and I were all around her...i can imagine she was feeling a bit shy but we all introduced each other and I was the first one who give her the "hand" (not usual in Spain when you fist meet somebody....but she didnt know that when we meet someone we give each other two kisses...)
She didn't know ANYTHING of our language so it took us a lot to teach her especially the first days but she learned quickly, we were good teachers...
After three or four months we already were inseparable :) and she already understand spanish but she didnt talk...We did a lot of things together...we were shopping and bought our first hight heels together! we went on holiday... we were really crazy as well ... :))
Nowadays we are BEST BEST BEST friends we call each other "honey" and she is like my little sister cuz even if I'm much smaller than her I was born in january and she was born  in October.
We have much in common...we love exactly the same things  heels, style, nails, same clothes and of course MAKE UP.
Last year we didn't feel an inspiration about make up cuz I didn't use it and Johi just sometimes...But I started doing it cuz I used to watch some tutorial videos on internet from "Aishawari" and I really got in love with that...I told Johi about and we started learning more and more. The girl on youtube who i learned from is incredible , Im her biggest fan and thanks to her I know how to make up myself! Now I look like an addicted girl who only thinks about buy and buy more make up and especially M.A.C. This mark is my obsession...we don't have shops to buy it in the "great" island we live but when I go to Tenerife I spend all my money on that. I'm really grateful and I recommed everyone to use this type of make up even if it's a bit or quite expensive...but I don't really mind I love it and that's it.
So that's how it all we have become in a make up addicted so now you can understand why Fashion is our passion !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!